Anavar Omega Meds 10mg Tab 100tabs Online Kaufen, Bestellen One Hundred Pc Echte Steroide

1st of November, 2024

Anavar Omega Meds 10mg Tab 100tabs Online Kaufen, Bestellen One Hundred Pc Echte Steroide

Es wird dringends angeraten nach einer Steroid Kur eine sogenannte PCT durchzuführen. Die Inklusion von Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds Kurse in ein Trainingsprogramm kann sowohl für Anfänger als Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds auch für erfahrene Sportler von Vorteil sein. Mit der richtigen Dosierung und einer verantwortungsbewussten Anwendung können die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Es ist wichtig, während eines Kurses regelmäßige Gesundheitsuntersuchungen durchzuführen, um mögliche Komplikationen frühzeitig zu erkennen. Schichten von magerem Gewebe können sich leicht ansammeln, wenn Sie in Ihrer Ernährung genügend Kalorien zu sich nehmen.

Anavar ist bekanntermaßen weniger hepatotoxisch als die meisten anderen oralen anabolen Steroide, wie verschiedene Studien gezeigt haben. Dies würde natürlich jegliche constructive Wirkung, die das Medikament auf Triglyceride oder Gesamtcholesterin haben könnte, zunichte machen und es tatsächlich zu einer Gefahr hinsichtlich des Herzrisikos machen, wenn es für längere Zeiträume eingenommen wird. Heute wissen wir, dass anabole / androgene Steroide als Gruppe sehr ungünstige Veränderungen der Lipidprofile hervorrufen und bei Störungen des Lipidstoffwechsels nicht wirklich nützlich sind.

Oxandrolone (magnus Pharmaceuticals) (100 Tabletten X 10mg) Kaufen

  • Wie bereits erwähnt, handelt es sich bei Anavar um ein anaboles Steroid, das vielseitiger einsetzbar ist und Anavar-Zyklen aufweist, als dies bei den meisten Menschen zunächst der Fall wäre.
  • Eine Sportlerin kann 20 mg pro Tag überschreiten, um noch bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen, da Anavar im Allgemeinen intestine vertragen wird.
  • In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wo Sie Anavar 10 mg von Omega Meds kaufen können und was Sie dabei beachten sollten.
  • All dies soll Ihnen dabei helfen, neben dem Fettabbau auch sauberen Muskelzuwachs zu erzielen.

Es ist wichtig, die Dosierung schrittweise zu erhöhen und die Reaktion des Körpers zu beobachten. Zudem sollte Anavar nicht länger als 8 bis 12 Wochen am Stück verwendet werden, um Nebenwirkungen zu minimieren. Anavar, auch bekannt als Oxandrolon, ist ein anaboles Steroid, das ursprünglich in den 1960er Jahren entwickelt wurde. Es wird häufig zur Behandlung von medizinischen Erkrankungen eingesetzt, die mit Gewichtsverlust und Muskelabbau verbunden sind.

Bevor eine Frau beschließt, die AnavarDosen über die empfohlenen 10 mg hinaus zu erhöhen, sollte sie zunächst mit dieser Anfangsdosis vertraut sein und dann die Dosen für einen bestimmten Zeitraum um 5 mg bis 15 mg pro Tag erhöhen. Wirkstoff in dieser Ergänzung ist das anabole Steroid Oxandrolon, das zur Gruppe der Dihydrotestatsterone (DHT) gehört, die für sein C17alphaalcyliertes Molekül charakteristisch ist. Dies bedeutet, dass zwei Dosen täglich selbst verabreicht werden können, um eine optimale Wirkung zu erzielen. Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds ist für erwachsene Bodybuilder gedacht, die ihre körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit verbessern möchten. Es ist nicht für Personen unter 18 Jahren oder für Frauen während der Schwangerschaft oder Stillzeit geeignet. Personen mit Lebererkrankungen, Herzproblemen oder anderen schwerwiegenden gesundheitlichen Problemen sollten vor der Verwendung einen Arzt konsultieren.

Da die Halbwertszeit von Oxandrolone so kurz ist, ist die tägliche Verabreichung des Arzneimittels notwendigerweise häufig, wobei die zweimal tägliche Einnahme des Arzneimittels optimum ist. Zugegeben, für niedrigere Dosierungen, besonders für Frauen, wird sich einmal pro Tag als ausreichend erweisen. Bestehend aus Oxandrolone , Oxandrolone, wie es allgemein bekannt ist, ist ein anaboles Steroid des Dihydrotestosterons (DHT) mit quick keinen androgenen Eigenschaften und milden anabolen Eigenschaften. Als orales Steroid ist Oxandrolone wie die meisten oralen Steroide ein C17alpha-alkyliertes Medikament (17-aa). Kohlenstoffposition so verändert wurde, dass es die Einnahme überlebt, indem es den ersten Durchgang durch die Leber überlebt.

Dosierung Und Anwendung

Die Wirkung von Anavar beruht auf seiner Fähigkeit, die Proteinsynthese im Körper zu erhöhen, was zu einem effizienteren Muskelaufbau führt. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass es die Stickstoffretention verbessert, wodurch der Körper in einem anabolen Zustand bleibt. Wieder einmal wird Testosteron in die unterstützende Rolle einer TRT-Dosis verwiesen, während Trenbolon und Anavar als die primären muskelaufbauenden anabolen Steroide wirken.

Insgesamt lässt sich sagen, dass Anavar durch seine vielseitigen Vorteile und relativ milden Nebenwirkungen eine attraktive Wahl für viele Athleten darstellt. Ob zur Verbesserung der sportlichen Leistung oder für ästhetische Ziele – Anavar bietet eine Reihe von Möglichkeiten, die helfen können, die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu erreichen. Der Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds Steroid-Kurs ist eine beliebte Wahl unter Bodybuildern und Athleten, die ihre Leistung und Muskeldefinition verbessern möchten. Dieses Produkt bietet eine milde, aber effektive Möglichkeit, die Muskelmasse zu steigern und gleichzeitig den Körperfettanteil zu reduzieren.

+ Bewertung

Anavar wird oft von Männern abgesetzt, weil sie von den Ergebnissen enttäuscht sind. Es ist ein sehr sanftes Steroid und bei beiden Geschlechtern sehr beliebt, wird aber oft missverstanden. Wenn Sie die Wirkungen von Anavar verstehen, können Sie die Verwendung dieses leistungsstarken Steroids leicht maximieren, da es aufgrund seiner Beliebtheit häufig gefälscht wird. In der Welt von androgene anabole Steroide Es gibt Steroide zum Wachsen und Bauschen und andere zum Abnehmen und Schneiden.

Ja, viele erfahrene Benutzer kombinieren Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds mit anderen Steroiden, um die Ergebnisse zu maximieren. Ein typischer Zyklus für die Einnahme von Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds beträgt 6 bis 12 Wochen. Nach einem Zyklus sollte eine Pause von mindestens der gleichen Dauer eingelegt werden, um den Körper zu regenerieren. Um die Qualität und Wirksamkeit von Anavar 10 mg zu erhalten, sollten Sie das Produkt an einem kühlen und trockenen Ort lagern. Vermeiden Sie direkte Sonneneinstrahlung und halten Sie es außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahrt.

Daher wird den meisten Frauen dringend empfohlen, mit 10 mg pro Tag zu beginnen, und für viele bleibt diese Dosis während der gesamten Behandlung perfect. Wenn Sie mehr Anavar benötigen, um die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu erzielen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine niedrigere Dosis unterstützen können, bevor Sie mehr einnehmen. Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds ist ein beliebtes Anabolikum, das oft von Sportlern und Bodybuildern verwendet wird, um die Muskelmasse zu erhöhen und die Leistungsfähigkeit zu verbessern. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie Anavar 10 mg Omega Meds wie einnehmen, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

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1st of November, 2024

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1st of November, 2024

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1st of November, 2024

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Grand National Tips: Our ultimate Cheat Sheet for Aintree 2024

1st of November, 2024

Bolts Up Daily exclusive UK & Irish Horse Racing Tips

Jonbon is expected to sit slightly off the fiercest of the sizzle. Rare Edition was very disappointing when only second in the Sidney Banks at Huntingdon, a race won in 2020 by Shishkin en route to Supreme glory. He apparently scoped dirty after the race and there has been some whispering about back spasms, both of which appear to have now been resolved.

Queen Mother Champion Chase full result

They are 0 from 22, though then nine-year-old Whisper nearly benefited from Might Bite’s errant course up the hill last year in the RSA Chase. It is worth noting that nine of those 22 were priced at 7/1 or shorter. That would have netted 36 winners from 180 runners (20% strike rate, 69% race win strike rate) and a level stakes profit of 46.48 points at Starting Price. Moreover, the approach was profitable in eight of the ten years, exceptions being 2016 and 2009.

Trading The UK, IE, US And AU Betfair Horse Racing Markets 24/7

Shishkin is now unbeaten in seven completed starts, having fallen on his hurdling debut. The main lesson of history is “don’t believe the hype”, a message that resonates far beyond Festival jollies but which was poignantly reprised twelve months ago when, of the six favourites sent off at 5/4 or shorter, five were beaten. It works as an index where, like IV, 1.00 is a par figure and better or worse than 1.00 is a degree of good or bad respectively. It’s calculation requires a little unpacking and, rather than do that here, you’re encouraged to look at this racing metrics article where I explain and exemplify each of IV, A/E and PRB in more detail. The key here is that north of 1.00 is good, south of 1.00 not so much. Happily, publishes a few metrics that cut through the thorny thicket of quantifying these data, namely Impact Value, Percentage of Rivals Beaten, and Actual vs Expected.

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Enthusiasts have expressed their satisfaction with the accurate predictions provided by Get Your Tips Out, citing a noticeable improvement in their success rate and enjoyment of the races. The Irish racing scene also sees Get Your Tips Out excelling, making us a truly versatile and respected name in the world of racing predictions. Get Your Tips Out stands out as a premier free tipster due to its team of expert Bolts Up Daily tipsters providing top-notch insights with a focus on delivering results. Detailed race previews enable you to understand the nuances of each race, helping you make more informed and strategic choices. Analysing tipsters’ past performances at such meetings can give you a glimpse into their predictive abilities and overall credibility, guiding you towards those who consistently deliver reliable insights.

Welcome to horseracing

If you like to have a flutter, don’t put up with a mediocre bookie. Get great odds, more events to bet on from around the world, and the best enhanced odds and specials with PlayRight’s recommended horse racing betting websites. It is a term that is largely derided within the world of sports betting, but when it comes to horse racing it does hold some degree of weight. Betting systems are touted far and wide these days, with some actually having the stats to show that they’re effective. Racing and horse betting really picked up in Tudor times. Henry VIII invested heavily in horse breeding and kept his own training grounds.

Bolts Up Daily exclusive UK & Irish Horse Racing Tips

RSA Novices’ Chase – Marlborough’s preview and tips

  • If you’ve been reading stuff on here for any length of time, you’ll have noted myself, but especially Dave Renham and Chris Worrall, evangelising about the value of draw and run style.
  • She’s a proven Group performer and David Egan will be hoping he can get plenty of cover from stall four.
  • And if they go a million on the front then he could just nick the whole enchilada.
  • Contributing to creating and maintaining this Ayr Gold Cup Preview are at hand, Andy and James.
  • Sir Mark Prescott celebrated his first Royal Ascot winner since Pivotal in 1996 when Pledgeofallegiance saw off all-comers to win the Ascot Stakes.
  • Paddy Power and Betfair are ahead of the pack here with their range of in-play options, which are handily accessible so you make quick decisions after the race has got underway.

Log in to your existing bookmaker account when you first open the app, or via the ‘Accounts’ tab. Go to the cards, pick a race and once you’ve made your selection, simply tap the odds button beside the horse you like.4. Our RP Recommends section has plenty of information and offers impartial advice from our experts in order to help know who, when, where and how to place your bet. Competition among bookmakers, particularly online, is fierce, so don’t be afraid to open accounts with multiple firms and if you are betting on course, be sure to shop around the betting ring and bet with whoever is offering the best price. The No Foto Needed service is an established member SBC’s Premium Tipster range and features winning racing tips from a true racing expert. He has not been disgraced since, but the drop back to six furlongs looks a good move.

Northfields Handicap Preview, Tips, Runners & Trends (Irish Champions Weekend)

  • “He’s been bumping into some good horses and he’s a tough old dude, he’s Taghrooda’s brother.
  • There are horse racing tips all over the internet to help you find a good deal and get to grips with some of the many unusual phrases that you will find here.
  • With that in mind, here are five angles I personally use when trying to isolate value; that is, before striking any bet.
  • Now, no betting system is perfect, and some may prove to be more hype than substance, but there are three that are worth taking an in-depth look at specifically.
  • Many of our holiday cottages are burrowed in these areas, making them the perfect base for staying while learning more about the history of the Gold Cup.

The main danger is last term’s scorer Billaway, who relishes this stamina test. He looks sure to be finishing best of all and will be many punters’ place option. Depending on your selections, you can place a variety of bet types, including singles and multiples. You can add selections straight from a Bet Builder match centre, making it simpler and quicker to place bets backed by data. CommissionYou’ll need to take into account commission paid to Betfair ranging from 2 – 5% depending on how much you bet with them.

Rachel King: The Australia-based British jockey riding a Japanese horse in an American race

We’ve gone through all FIVE cards on Tuesday so here’s what we’re backing. All our selections can be added straight to your bet365 bet slip (just click the orange links). MITBAAHY didn’t get the breaks when edged out by Raasel at Sandown Park last time, and has sound prospects of gaining his revenge. Simply register, place a £10 wager on the selection of your choice and you will qualify for this unbeatable welcome offer.

Warm Spell

The ground has now eased to Soft with Heavy places for the hurdlers. In comparison Fly Camp, also making his handicap debut, looks on a high mark on form achieved. Also the Cheltenham Festival racing charity fundraiser is set to get going. The exclusive preview will be despatched this afternoon and by signing up now you will get your membership ready for tomorrow. Last year’s winner of this race Morning Reggie has been out of form since.

Four things you must know about racing

  • Bit to find with Politologue on Tingle Creek form; unlikely winner.
  • If it perhaps lacks a little star quality this year – there can’t be a Shishkin/Altior/Douvan every time – it remains competitive from a betting perspective.
  • And nor should a 140-rated mare be in the same conversation as a 165+ gelding.
  • Some will suit prominently ridden horses, others those ridden more patiently.
  • The caveat is that we’re looking for a horse that we hope will get an uncontested lead; that is, one which looks as though it is the lone pace angle.
  • Likely some, but probably not a huge amount is my best guess.
  • He will appreciate a stamina test; a good pace and soft ground and I think he will get it here.
  • Now with Venetia Williams, Tanganyika was beaten eight and a half lengths in that Auteuil race.

Western Climate runs in his first handicap having run well in a Hereford novice that is looking to be quite strong form. Deposit & play £10 on Bingo within 7 days to get £40 Bingo bonus, 50 Free Spins & Club Voucher. Selected games, wagering requirement and expiry dates apply. Up to 200 spins over 4 day period from first deposit & spend of £10. Max 50 spins each day at 10p per spin for 4 consecutive days.

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And that’s a wrap for Day 1 at the Cheltenham Festival 2024. Hopefully this has been an entertaining read, and with a little luck, there’s a winner or three in its midst. We’ll all be back to do it again tomorrow – see you then. Mr Vango is a forward goer, so too Apple Away; but the small field means they’ll likely be steady away over this extended trip. Just an even gallop in prospect in all likelihood despite the large field.

Nicky Henderson on his fifth Champion Chase win

LH – Thyme Hill form awful, the time was “glacial” ? Rain might be important for Gerri Colombe. Without rain, not sure he’ll enjoy downhill sections of the track. MT – Would love to own Hermes Allen, but wouldn’t run him in this race!

Cheltenham Festival 2023: Day One Preview, Tips

Elliott’s team, meanwhile, has been in top form despite the challenging circumstances. Who knows what impact the loss of key horses and the absence of the hitherto licence holder (and the new named holder) will have? Likely some, but probably not a huge amount is my best guess. Elliott has had three phenomenal CheltFests in the past four years, 2019 being a sharp reminder of the perils of blind backing a yard; and he’s had at least three winners in each of those years – 27 in all during that time. The trouble with highly rated winners of the Gold Cup is that their rating is testament to their ability and that, naturally, is not missed by the market.

Bolts Up Daily exclusive UK & Irish Horse Racing Tips

O’Connor has been a fine rider over the years but there are no weak links in the riding line-up here, and this race ought to go to the best horse at the trip, pure and simple. The National Hunt Chase has changed markedly in character since gaining Grade 2 status and being shortened in trip. In some ways that’s a shame, but the farrago of the 2019 running where the few who finished were legless was a pathetic last hurrah for the race of old.

  • But, on the back of another 134-day lay-off, Will Buick’s partner sprang back to form in the Listed Fred Archer Stakes at Goodwood on the final Saturday of June.
  • MAHLER MISSION has been kept fresh since a fine second in the Coral Gold Cup last Autumn.
  • The versatility of PRESENTING PERCY is rare in a staying chaser and that quality suggests he is a cut above the average.
  • By incorporating Get Your Tips Out into their betting routines, punters gain access to a wealth of information that simplifies their decision-making process.
  • He beat 13 rivals the first day and eleven the second and, well, he just keeps winning.
  • He is an unbeaten domestic, defending a point and three hurdle scores, the most recent of which was in the Listed Sidney Banks at Huntingdon, where he beat the previous Grade 1 winner and subsequent Grade 2 second, Jango Baie.
  • His speed figures are just about off the scale and he can take a position wherever in the field meaning tactics are not a worry.

Nicholls’ 1 from 30 record since 2013 is equally difficult to excuse. And in terms of jumping acuity, he has yet to make a serious mistake in three chases. True, all were small field affairs, but the Arkle, too, will quite likely cut up to a handful of contenders. Still, those fences need to be jumped, and he has to arrive pristine at Prestbury. The leftfield option is First Flow, who was exhilarating at Ascot last time. He’d need supplementing, very likely, but he’d also need to improve another eight pounds on current ratings – less likely.

Bolts Up Daily exclusive UK & Irish Horse Racing Tips

Breeders’ Cup 2024 at Del Mar: a look at Aidan O’Brien’s team on Saturday night

Ardkilly Witness is suited by this track and is expected to run Rathlin Rose very close. But I would want the insurance of something closer to an each way price before getting too involved. Ardkilly Witness has a 5lb pull in the weights with Rathlin Rose on their C/D form from three weeks ago, when Rathlin Rose won pretty comfortably. A ‘Mission Impossible’ handicap to finish off the festival. Native River needs to improve and in my view is too short in the market. Djakadam and Outlander have little between them on form in Ireland.

14/1 looks a very playable each way proposition, with the NRNB proviso. It is also true that RP has been dishing up in deep ground and it remains to be seen how he handles quicker terrain. For all of those reservations, he has been ultra-impressive visually, and his stamina combined with fluent jumping makes him a natural for a staying test like this. There are other credible contenders in the field, not least Galvin, but if Royale Pagaille lines up here rather than his other entries, he’ll take some beating.

This year it started on May 4 and runs until April 26, 2025. It’s such a thrilling sport and at its best when you get the chance to see the horses close up in the flesh. You can spend a wonderful afternoon or evening with friends, grab a drink, have a meal and, if you want, place a bet. Horses race over obstacles and on the flat – these are called, simply enough, jump racing and Flat racing.

Tips for Ascot: Best value bets on Saturday December 23

1st of November, 2024

Bolts Up Daily exclusive UK & Irish Horse Racing Tips

Log in to your existing bookmaker account when you first open the app, or via the ‘Accounts’ tab. Go to the cards, pick a race and once you’ve made your selection, simply tap the odds button beside the horse you like.4. Our RP Recommends section has plenty of information and offers impartial advice from our experts in order to help know who, when, where and how to place your bet. Competition among bookmakers, particularly online, is fierce, so don’t be afraid to open accounts with multiple firms and if you are betting on course, be sure to shop around the betting ring and bet with whoever is offering the best price. The No Foto Needed service is an established member SBC’s Premium Tipster range and features winning racing tips from a true racing expert. He has not been disgraced since, but the drop back to six furlongs looks a good move.

You are unable to access

All the talk’s about Altior with less than 15 minutes left until the big race of the day. Late change of jockey in the Fred Winter Handicap Hurdle. Davy Russell has been stood down for the day after his fall from Bless The Wings in the Glenfarclas Cross Country Chase. 33/1 Veneer of Charm wins well to make it a treble in the afternoon for Gordon Elliot.

Latest Tips

Bolts Up Daily exclusive UK & Irish Horse Racing Tips

The strange words and phrases are just part of the voyage you begin when following this rewarding sport. To access our great pages including tips, strategies and interviews, simply login or register below. As part of a tie-up with SBC to help expose the quality of No Foto Needed’s advice, he supplied all advice free of charge to SBC members between the 14th of March and the 12th August 2022, during which time the service thrived. No Foto Needed began proofing his advice to us in early 2021 as a means to showcase his expertise.

Cheltenham Festival 2023: Day One Preview, Tips

It offers a breathtaking view to the west, over Cheltenham and the racecourse, over the River Severn and to Wales; and also across to the historic town of Winchcombe. Many of our holiday cottages are burrowed in these areas, Bolts Up Daily making them the perfect base for staying while learning more about the history of the Gold Cup. Here are some other notable races at the Doncaster racecourse throughout the racing season that you may be interested in.

Grade 1 Races

We use a combination of statistical analysis, insider knowledge, and years of experience to provide reliable tips to their followers. Free Horse Racing Tips are typically provided by tipsters or betting websites, such as us – Get Your Tips Out. Whether it’s the Grand National, Royal Ascot, or the Derby, Get Your Tips Out remains dedicated to curating unparalleled tips and recommendations to steer punters towards success. The platform’s detailed analysis of accumulators allows users to create strategic betting combinations. Get Your Tips Out ensures convenient access to valuable tips, making betting experiences hassle-free.

  • On balance, unless he drifts to a double figure price, I’ll let him beat me – if he did drift he’d be playable win only, I think.
  • In-play betting is arguably a little less effective in horse racing compared to say, football or tennis.
  • This season, battle lines are drawn between Britain and Ireland and, as with the Champion Hurdle two races later, team captains are Messrs Henderson and Mullins.
  • You should also think about investigating some of the many free horse racing tips that float around online.
  • None of the runners with racecourse experience leap off the page, so it may be worth chancing SAINT SEGAL.
  • Mullins also saddles Cantico, ridden by stable jockey Paul Townend, who cruised to victory at Navan last month.
  • There he conceded a stone and a half to Latenightpass but was beaten only five lengths or so.
  • The Brown Advisory would have meant a likely clash with Monkfish, the Arkle a ding dong with Shiskin, Energumene and Allmankind.
  • The Last Samuri, a smart horse at Aintree, is interesting.

Cheltenham Festival 2021: 7 NRNB ‘Free Hits’

The main danger is last term’s scorer Billaway, who relishes this stamina test. He looks sure to be finishing best of all and will be many punters’ place option. Depending on your selections, you can place a variety of bet types, including singles and multiples. You can add selections straight from a Bet Builder match centre, making it simpler and quicker to place bets backed by data. CommissionYou’ll need to take into account commission paid to Betfair ranging from 2 – 5% depending on how much you bet with them.

  • The more I look at the Supreme, the more I feel like Mighty Potter should get a lovely lead into the business end and will get the end-to-end gallop that suits him best.
  • It’s worth recalling that she was a Grade 1 winner over hurdles at Aintree last April, and it’s typical of Lucinda Russell’s horses to only show their very best form in the spring.
  • Five of the last 13 winners had run in the Ultima Handicap the previous year.
  • Expert insights can offer valuable perspectives on a horse’s form, recent performances, and potential for success.
  • Some of Cheltenham’s greatest scenes have been provided by the likes of Istabraq, Like A Butterfly and Danoli, and our friends from across the water are throwing the kitchen sink behind Samcro.
  • Much has been made of the wind operation that prevented him returning to racecourse action until Newbury last month, but it was a minor procedure that he underwent.
  • Of course, he’s a novice and the fences have to be jumped, so that’s a possible issue.

Cheltenham preview update

I’m not keen on backing Appreciate It at around 6/4 in the ‘without’ market either, nor the untested in Grade 1 or on fast ground Teahupoo, or any of his five-year-old contemporaries. No, if I was having a swipe right now, it might be Not So Sleepy without Honeysuckle at 33/1+ each way. He was 5th last year at 125/1 outright, and has dead heated with Epatante in the Grade 1 Fighting Fifth this season. It looks like this year’s Champion Hurdle may be run at an even to quick tempo, with both Appreciate It and Teahupoo generally going forward. However, both took a lead on their most recent starts so perhaps we’ll be erring towards just an even gallop, in which case all should be able to run their races. I also didn’t mention Tommy’s Oscar in that earlier preview, Mrs Ann Hamilton’s flag bearer well worthy of the name check having waltzed away with the Haydock Champion Hurdle trial shortly after publication.

10: Cross Country Steeple Chase preview – Marlborough’s preview and tips

Gaillard du Mesnil is opposable at the prices in the NH Chase. Don’t think that race’s profile suits such a strong stayer any more. Churchstonewarrior could be a playable alternative – going slower could suit him. Mahler Mission ran a fair race (7th of 16) in last year’s Albert Bartlett and, though he was whacked in a novices’ chase at Cheltenham early in the season, that was surely a sighter on ground much faster than ideal. More recently he’s won a beginners’ and then ran a gallant second to Churchstonewarrior. The second possible in that context is I Like To Move It, whose Greatwood and Kingwell Hurdle wins have advertised his ‘dark horse’ claims.

Cheltenham Festival Novice Grade 1’s (excl. Bumper & Triumph Hurdle)

Just a few taps on a smartphone can replace trudging down to the high street betting shop, or even placing a wager with a bookmaker trackside. As a result, horse racing continues to attract big money, thanks to growing sponsorship values, steady betting revenues, and a worldwide audience of horse racing fans. While online betting may have shaken the sports betting industry, it’s clear horse racing remains, as it has for decades, at the forefront of it. So, where should you be going to place your bets on horse racing?

It’s a day for hats

Likely to be at least truly run, and potentially a little fast early; the winner will need to travel and jump at top speed as well as possess sufficient stamina to see it out after the last. For the final segment of this article I want to have a brief look at Grade 1 races. These races comprise 50% of the 28 Festival contests and, in the last 15 years, they have accounted for roughly the same percentage of all the Festival contests (some of the newer races being upgraded during the review period).

York Tips

Bolts Up Daily exclusive UK & Irish Horse Racing Tips

“It was great that they thought of me and to win for them was really great. When I sat on her, they publicised the times and we didn’t go very fast at all, so it was very hard for me to say I would win the King Charles III Stakes beforehand off the back of that. “It’s special to be a part of and it’s a very difficult feat to bring her over here at this time of year when it is approaching the Australian winter and prepare her – Henry has done a top job. “It is sublime and some great names from Australia who have won here have trained over 150 Group One winners and that’s only my third. “It’s a good start to the week and he deserved that, he’s been great all year. He’s a fine horse, very consistent and seems to be thriving.

Racing against the far rail from a draw in stall one, David Egan got bumped and bored when attempting to get through on the run to the final furlong, just as Raasel swept to the front down the outside. A neck separated the pair at the winning post, with Existent back in fourth and Equilateral, who also had a hard-luck story to tell, fnishing sixth. Roger Varian’s sprinter was unlucky not to take the spoils at Sandown, enduring a troubled passaged over the minimum trip. Raasel was in front that day but the selection has a fine chance of turning the tables. I’ve been quietly backing Tiger Roll all winter to win the Glenfarclas Cross Country Chase.

The merit of that heavy ground G1 form is unclear with the second and third getting thumped next time, but the winner could have done no more. He is clearly a very classy recruit whose maiden win offers hope that the quicker Cheltenham turf won’t be a problem. We have to yet to see what he’ll find off the bridle, though, and it is hard to imagine any horse taking this ‘on the snaff’. Of course, it is sometimes difficult to predict who the favourite will be pre-race which can be an issue for trying to exploit ‘market data’. However, as a general rule, the stronger the favourite the better. What I mean by that is, horses who are a much shorter price than the second horse in the betting tend to do best here at the festival.

Fred Winter Handicap Hurdle full result

  • Daryl Jacob has been booked for the ride and he makes some decent place appeal.
  • Happily, publishes a few metrics that cut through the thorny thicket of quantifying these data, namely Impact Value, Percentage of Rivals Beaten, and Actual vs Expected.
  • She’s the classiest mare in the entries for this race by at least seven pounds, and there’s a chance that drying ground sees Roksana re-routed to the Stayers’ Hurdle.
  • She was very impressive on Irish debut at Fairyhouse beating Zarak the Brave and backed it up at Leopardstown at Christmas before being narrowly beaten by Gala Marceau at the DRF.
  • After what has been a circuitous introduction even by my own highly verbose standards, it’s time for the meat.
  • I’ll be mildly surprised if he finishes the race and stunned, I tell you, STUNNED if he manages to win.
  • We have to yet to see what he’ll find off the bridle, though, and it is hard to imagine any horse taking this ‘on the snaff’.
  • A strike rate of close to 1 in 5 is excellent and female LTO winners have secured a profit in Grade 1 races of £66.94 (ROI +85.8%).

Remember to use the trends listed above along with the Doncaster racing predictions to see if you can find the winner of the Futurity Trophy Weekend 6f Handicap. If you are unaware of what trends and statistics are, how they can be used etc then head over to the OLBG Betting School and read this Stats And Trends article which will make everything much clearer. Meanwhile, from soft going to good to firm, it was all but impossible to find a profit via proven going performers. If you’re John (or Thady) Gosden or Charlie Appleby, you take the free hits early doors and then move up in search of the three horses in your yard who can legitimately contest for the Guineas or Derby etc.

Israr makes most of class drop in Wolferton

The table above shows the performance in handicaps of four to seven runners over the last five years. It includes all-weather, flat turf, hurdles and chases, UK and Ireland. Unless there are two or more front-running types in the field, the balance of probabilities is that the race will be steadily run with an acceleration in the latter part of the contest. That suits horses which are able to change gear, i.e. accelerate, late in the play. Many horses cannot, and for these more galloping types, field size truncation is not good. The final component in my facilitation/differentiation quintet is field size.

Constitution Hill

Jockeys are important at this meeting, however, and the experience of Rachael Blackmore versus the exuberance of Chester Williams tilts the pendulum in favour of Champion Green if having to choose between them. Gordon’s Britzka and Ebasari both measure up on this ‘interesting rag’ angle but are shorter than ideal to take the chance. The Mares’ Hurdle had been dominated by Willie Mullins almost since its inception in 2008. Mullins was actually unrepresented in that inaugural running, but then went on to win nine of the next ten editions, six of them with the fantastic though only occasionally seen Quevega. However, more recently, the omnipotent Closutton barn has enjoyed success in the Mares’ Hurdle only once in the last five years, and not at all in the last three.

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  • She was picking up again at the line, and appeals to me as the sort to relish a thorough test of stamina.

Willie Mullins has a fantastic record in open handicap hurdles at the Fez, scoring seven times from just 60 starters in the past decade. He’s also added another ten placed horses for a brilliant 28% place strike rate. Gordon Elliott has performed even better in place terms, hitting the frame with twelve of his 34 such runners (35%). He also has a win and two places in the Fred Winter, from 11 starters.

His form looked to have regressed through the summer but the return to soft at Haydock last time showed he is just ground dependent. She’s a proven Group performer and David Egan will be hoping he can get plenty of cover from stall four. Jarraaf is improving through the ranks and has impressed twice over this track and trip. The main threat is likely to come from the unexposed Min Huna. William Haggas’ filly was a smooth winner of a handicap at Sandown last month and should still be competitive off an 8lb higher mark.

Nicholls’ 1 from 30 record since 2013 is equally difficult to excuse. And in terms of jumping acuity, he has yet to make a serious mistake in three chases. True, all were small field affairs, but the Arkle, too, will quite likely cut up to a handful of contenders. Still, those fences need to be jumped, and he has to arrive pristine at Prestbury. The leftfield option is First Flow, who was exhilarating at Ascot last time. He’d need supplementing, very likely, but he’d also need to improve another eight pounds on current ratings – less likely.